
This week, I am learning about being selfless. Little Sophia is battling a cold for 2 1/2 weeks now. It has developed into a double ear infection, bronchiolitis, and diarrhea- ouch! She's been waking up 1-2 hours earlier and battling every nap, when she does finally go down: her coughing wakes her up!

I am tired and she is cranky to say the least. I am learning to be selfless with  my time & my sleep! It's so hard to not WANT to go crawl under the covers and just sleep. I have to keep remind myself that if I'm feeling cranky and tired, she must be feeling 10x's worse. Please keep us in your prayers for a speedy recovery and a patient loving Mommy.

In other news: Sophia is crawling!!! She is getting into EVERYTHING! She wants to eat every power cord she can, including but not limited to: PlayStation control charger, Daddy's cell phone charger, Mommy's computer charger, & her monitor. It's been challenging running after her, but very fun to see her chubby little legs go!

Enjoy the photo bomb of her being a little trouble maker!!!

So Mommy had to strap me into my car seat to feed me because I kept rolling and crawling everywhere! Then she left me in there for 20 minutes so she could have a cup of coffee!!! 

Mommy built me a fort of pillows! It's the fluffiest fort I ever did see!!!

MMM Mommies water is so yummy
 Hello bloggers! I shall tell you about my day...
 Oh no! I've been caught! this is my naughty face !!!
Okay, good bye!!!!!!


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