Every time we walked out into the car she threw a mini fit as I was strapping her in. She wiggled her chubby little thighs, and it just complicated things more than it should have. We drove to church and listened to a sermon on stress, which totally convicted me. I was so stressed out about Joel working 24 hours straight and driving him in the morning just to forget my I.D.- but thankfully I was let into post (shh don't tell anyone). It seemed like everywhere we went she was miserable. She is typically a really laid back mellow baby, which makes days like today seem a lot worse than they really are. We drove on post three times, once to drop him off, second time for lunch, and third for dinner. Sophia fell a sleep 30 minutes later than her usual bed time, but hopefully she will have a better morning tomorrow.
Now, I am considering having a third cup of coffee, don't worry I only have one everyday. It's just one of those days...
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